Death Parade Episode 4 デス・パレード Anime Review
A quick theory-crafting regarding those mannequins or dolls shown in the second episode before I dive in. This is something that I should have mentioned in my last review but still, never too late right? So those mannequins, I'm pretty sure those have more meaning to than just being Decim's hobby. So what's the connection here? I think those mannequins are human souls or may have human souls trapped in them. Sounds bizarre but think about it, Firstly, Onna was introduced to us who came outta nowhere and she has few months to prove something as Nonaginta said. Secondly, remember how those mannequins were hanged in that room by strings? now go check the opening video of this series and see towards the end how Decim catches Onna as she falls with strings attached to her. So perhaps, Onna is actually one of the mannequin made by Decim or something similar maybe that's why he seems surprised whenever Onna says something correct but goes against his ideology cause he's not human. Again, this is just a general idea, I might be right or terribly wrong. So with that off my chest, lets move on to this week's episode.
What a emotionally charged episode, like straight out the most emotional episode of this series so far. After watching this episode two things are pretty much clear. Firstly, two people who enter in here may or may not know each other which is something that was confirmed in the OVA as well. Secondly, suicide won't send you to hell or void. So up first is a guy who's pretty much a shut-in otaku and had a tragic life. His real mother who divorced his father hasn't contacted him in years and he doesn't seem to accept his step-mother even though it's her dream for him to call her "mom" and accept her, this is one of his guilty side revealed later. On the other hand we got a lady who is in her mid 30s, though not a lot about her is revealed from the back story but from what it seems is that she really cared about her five children at the same time didn't show enough affection towards them and a lot of men left her, as she mentioned how her whole life everyone has deceived her and so on. I think those children may have different father as judging by her personality she couldn't hang on to one man kinda looked like cheated along the way and those men kept using and abusing her and maybe that's why she had that backlash against her children.
Midway through the episode, Decim pulls out a deice which triggers some form of a problem so that the reaction which it produces from our guests can be used from making the final judgement. Really interesting and mind-boggling at the same time cause basically Decim is actually instigating them or forcing a reaction out of them hence to show the darkness of their soul and it really worked here. When Decim used the trigger on our main male character and that joystick popped out, he pretty much didn't react as much as our main female character. He just covered it up by saying that he purposely started playing good as oppose to their original plan in which he was suppose to lose in the second round so as to make the game more more realistic. On the other hand when our main female character was put through the same test, she drew out her darker side under the fear of losing and lost her patience, the smashing our main male character's face on the screen repeatedly to a point where he was unconscious. Interesting to note how Onna didn't agree with such forceful method to pull out a reaction and threw that device on the floor. In the end, the game ended as a draw.
But the true beauty of this episode sets in towards the end. The male character actually committed suicide cause he was sick of everything and was now in tears as he felt guilty of not being able to even grant such a simple wish as mentioned above though his step-mom tried her best to get along with him. On the other hand, now this is very interesting, out main female character wanted to go back to the real world as she had just found the happiness, which possibly may have sent her to hell or void. The main female character, as a mother should have found happiness when she gave birth to her very first child but she completely neglected her children and just didn't show any affection towards them until their life was turned into a reality series or something which made her popular. I assume based on reaction she is likely to have gone to hell or void and our male character to heaven unless there's a twist. Overall, another brilliant episode, really like how they touch such sensitive and controversial topics.
Thank you for reading this anime review, I know it's little late as the episode was actually delayed but anyway have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Thoughts? let me know in the comments below. Links to this episode and 1080p version of the 3rd episode of Assassination classroom are available in download section.
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