Saturday, 24 January 2015

Aldnoah.Zero Season 2 Episode 3 アルドノア・ゼロ Anime Review


Before I start reviewing this episode, I would like to mention two point that I forgot to mention in my last review, when Slaine got that kiss from Princess Lemrina, he had a colorful glow so this is just something that I think, maybe that kiss gave Slaine something more than just Aldnoah drive. During his encounter with Inaho, Slaine was able to dodge his missiles or bullets and that pattern in which he dodge those also had that same colorful glow. Secondly, Inaho is expressing more emotions in this season so far than the previous one. There's another interesting point that I would like to mention, I love the Opening theme song, so I went ahead and watched it again and saw something that really surprised me. At the very start of the opening song, we are shown a glimpse of the moon's surface and if you look closely, it has wrecks of Slaine and Inaho's mechs! Does that mean one or both of them will die in the future? So with that off my chest, lets move on to the episode.

Slain, a freaking genius. Honestly I never saw that coming, everything that's been happening ever since that "why Slaine why?" scene from last season's finale was his whole set-up or master-plan to achieve this. Right after Saazbaum shockingly declares him as his son or foster son clearly showing us that now he completely trusts Slaine only for it to backfire. Basically Slaine just used Saazbaum and once he got what he wanted, he got rid of him.  When Slain's servant, Harklight said "you are one step closer to your goal" after Saazbaum's shocking announcement, I just knew Slaine was up to something, I'll get to that soon but before that lets discuss some other stuff. At the start of the episode we get to see some of Inaho's new abilities as he pulls off some good moves in chess against Magbaredge revealing that now he can concentrate his brain cells to specifically focus on a particular task, that's pretty awesome. Besides that we get to see Inaho vs Slaine again, oh man I love when these two face off! At this point I'm not really sure whether Slaine's ability to predict the direction of missiles etc is something he got from Princess Lemrina's kiss or it's something his mech has. I also like how Terran's mech use space asteroids as a leverage to pull themself kinda similar to how spider-man shoots his web strings on buildings around him to move in his desire direction.

So coming back to the main topic, Slaine or Count Slaine now. He won Saazbaum's trust, used Inaho's abilities to weaken Saazbaum and ultimately betrayed him by getting rid of him to start his rebellion to save and avenge Princess Asseylum and change the world they live in for people like Harklight and others who belong to lower class, very interesting. At this point we really can't predict his actions I mean who knows if he starts killing other Counts or starts a completely different group which is neither on Terran or Martian's side. This whole shocking betrayal just opens up to whole new theories but basically its safe to say that he is against and not against Earth at the same time. One thing is for sure, he's smart enough to plan his future moves. 

Overall a very enjoyable episode, the CGI animation was superb, really looking forward to more of Inaho vs Slaine though it's little too early for them to square off. Music, brilliant as always. Thank you for reading this anime review, have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Thoughts? let me know in the comments below. Links to this episode are available in download section


  1. Another well made review pointing everything that is important in the episode !!! Keep it coming ^^
