What the hell are you planning Slaine? Not only he's hiding the fact the Princess Asseylum is alive again from Princess Lemrina but also lying to her that Princess Asseylum's condition is getting worse, whoa. Before we discuss that lets see some other important stuff we got to see in this episode.
This episode had follow up on what happened after those two bizarre moments from previous episode. Firstly, Slaine is just a lot powerful now as not only he'll be marrying Princess Asseylum but also he'll have the authority as to who can possess the Aldnoah drive activation powers which means that all other orbital Counts will have no choice but to follow him. But there were some Counts who didn't pledge their loyalty to him as mentioned in this episode which can cause a major twist in the future or they'll be destroyed by Slaine. Now secondly about Princess Asseylum. That cliff hanger in previous episode was really good but if you've read my previous episode's review, I mentioned how they shouldn't make Princess Asseylum just lose all her memory cause come on, that's a very bad idea, but with this episode they kinda did that to an extend but in a predictable way. She remembers everyone like Slaine etc but probably doesn't remember the incidents which took place at the end of the previous season. Well, I don't know what to say about this, yes it is very predicable but it depends on how they execute this as the story progress. Also Slaine doesn't like Princess Asseylum remembering Inaho as he threw those flowers he had got for her before she mentioned about Inaho.
Count Mazuurek is back to his base but is having second thoughts about going against Slaine now that his powers have increased dramatically still I can sense he's going to cause some problems in Slaine's plan in the future. Now coming back to main topic, Slaine. Princess Lemrina definitely has some feelings towards Slaine as shown in this episode but also she's is glad that what she did to her sister by screwing up with that life support system has caused Princess Asseylum condition to get worse as Slaine told her cause now she can finally replace her and not just remain a substitute. But why is Slaine lying to her? is it because he knows that she hate being substitute to Princess Asseylum or is he planning something completely different but either way he's definitely using Lemrina and the moment she finds out that he's been hiding this, she's going to flip. Even Princess Asseylum will flip when she finds out how he and Lemrina have exploited her persona. A really interesting direction in which this series is going with Slaine here not mention how they are developing Slaine's hatred towards Inaho while Inaho pretty much seems to be on the same wavelength with Princess Asseylum. Also how Slaine is not letting Princess Asseylum know anything about what's happening outside is actually foreshadowing about that whole bird in a cage reference shown couple of episodes back.
Overall a great build-up episode, at the end they showed us how various orbital knights are uniting and attacking together something we haven't seen before, pretty much telling us that Slaine's plan is in motion. Thank you for reading this anime review! what do you think about Slaine hiding the the fact that Princess Asseylum is alive from Lemrina, let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
loneliness & love
Finally some Tsukiyama screen time! that scene where he was like snipping all over that napkin having Kaneki's bloodstains, pretty much showing us the flashback about his 'love story' with Kaneki, that was so very funny. I really love his character, the way we walks in at Anteiku and the classy music being played in the background, it won me over. Hell I hope he gets his own spin-off series like seriously!
Anyway jokes aside, this episodes explains us as to why Kaneki has that centipede-mode. As Tsukiyama mentions and something which is also shown during that flashback fight scene from ghoul isolation chamber, Kaneki has been practicing serious cannibalism to turn himself into a full kakuja and thus using it's powers to protect people at Anteiku etc. And by doing so he's mentally breaking down and going crazy. As I've mentioned in my previous review, this season has pretty much axed his character as even during this scene there were not as many dialogues and inner monologues that the manga had and that's something I really loved about the manga, cause it really helped to understand his complex and tragic character in a better way. Still he had just one deep meaningful dialogue in which he states that it's not he who's eating the ghouls but he's the one who is being eaten and that really makes sense as his cannibalism practice is breaking him down mentally and also eating up all of his sanity.
Moving on, this episode had a many subtle build up on two central themes of this series, loneliness and love. Like at the start of the episode, Kaneki was shown sitting alone and later, how Hinami and Touka were very lonely as they both love Kaneki but they can't express their love as he's not around. So a very deep emotional episode showing us how Hinami and Touka interact and are trying to accept the loneliness especially that scene where Touka meets Kaneki on that bridge. If you pay close attention to that scene, Kaneki holds his chin while saying how that he doesn't want Touka and other to be lonely and pretty much trying to be self righteous, now if you remember what Hide said, whenever he's lying or hiding something he holds his chin and that's exactly the case here. Kaneki's actions completely contradicts to what he said something that even Touka gets as he just cares about himself, like he's fine as long as he's not alone and that smile at the end of this scene pretty much justifies it. So there can be a lot of different meanings that you can take from this episode and this scene in particular.
Sen Takatsuki, that author, visits the CCG's head office in order to get some data regarding ghouls for her new book but at the same time gives out rumors to Shinohara about Anteiku and so we can assume because of what she told them, Shinohara and Suzuya visited the cafe. When Shinohara meets the manager, he's like, do I know you? and I won't spoil anything but if you've been paying close attention to some key scenes throughout this series you would know what that dialogue and scene really meant. Overall, a great episode with lot of set up, pretty much as that calm before the storm vibe to it. The music, I know I've been saying this since the start of the series but damn, it's just beautiful. Thank you for reading this anime review, what do you think about this episode? let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
A Plot Driven Episode
Damn, that cliffhanger. Like who the hell would attack Anri? Probably someone who knows that she has Saika or one of the gang member shown in the last episode but that gang's leader has that motto of not attacking women so maybe it's not that gang. Anyway, besides that cliffhanger, this episode had so much going on like so many plot build ups were complied in this episode but still, it was executed superbly and was really entertaining and fun to watch as well.
I suppose that little girl who is the grand daughter of Mafia's or Yakuza's CEO (and who was introduced to us in the last episode) is the main plot point of this current arc. Those Mafias hired Celty to search for her as she ran away from her home as well as one of the Mafia's rival company wants to kidnap her, speaking of which, that rival company also hired two people to do so. One of them is that blonde girl who attacked Celty in the previous episode and another one is a guy who just keeps coming up with questions only for that blonde girl to answer them. Besides that, Mikado finds out that lately the Dollars have been causing problems and Izaya calls him to confront about the same, pretty much trying to manipulate him reminding him about what happened last time with Yellow Scarves and also questioning his friendship with Masaomi. It's safe to assume that whenever there's some problem, Izaya is somehow involved in it and even this time, Izaya is surely cooking something up not to mention that he might have some connection to that little girl as to why she tried to kill Shizuo.
I really wonder how Celty's character is going to change now that her secret of being headless is pretty much revealed and exposed to the public. Throughout this series we were shown how Celty doesn't like scaring others and now that everyone will soon find out that she is headless, they will assume she is some kind of a monster or something. Also the blue square is yet to get integrated in all of this as Aoba wants to get rid of Izaya. There's just so much going on besides that as Saika is going out of control, Celty having her own problems, Izaya starting to manipulate others, god knows what Masaomi is doing and now, someone breaks into Anri's house. I'm pretty sure I mentioned all sub plots but again, I might have missed some. So yea, that's pretty much it, overall a very good episode, a very plot driven as well. What do you think about this episode? let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
This series just keeps on getting better and better by the episode, definitely a surprise gem of this season. There's just tons of things that you can take and learn from this episode as it pretty much showcases the main theme of this series.
In this episode we get a little more info about the E class and it's just screwed up honestly. The main principle or the head of the school is manipulating this E class system as a demonstration to motivate other honor students to not to become a failure like them as he says that something like this will help them prepare for the real world. I agree about how the outside world is cruel but seriously, this is screwed up cause these honor students as shown in this episode are pretty much preying on these E class students not only to get rid of their stress and feel better but also to show their superiority. So I really like how they are showing this dark side of the human nature.
Also, all these E class students who are being discriminated against have various individual reasons as to why they ended up here like the girl who was introduced in this episode was really good in science but failed in language and arts so this brings up another flaw in this system as though she might as well be among the best students when it came to science but just because she was not good in some other stuff, she was moved to this class. The best part about this series is Koro-sensei as what he's basically doing is building up self confidence among his students and also helping them to move forward. I really love how this series showcases all these morals and mature themes and almost anyone who goes to school or even work can relate to this at some point. Thank you for reading this anime review, what do you think about this episode? let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
That cliff-hanger
The Princess? WTF? like what the hell just happened? Before I dive into that, I would like to correct something I mentioned in my previous (episode 5) Aldnoah review. I mentioned that Inaho's sister, Yuki saw Inaho & Rayet helping Mazuurek escape and I was wrong. It was Inko and not Yuki who saw them and this episode clearly sheds light on this topic as Inaho is now aware that Inko knows what really happened, so yea, my apologies for mixing up characters there. Alright with that off my chest, lets dive into this episode.
This episode can be divided into two parts, firstly the part in which Inaho pretty much outsmarts a Count using the power of his new eye and the second part consisting of Slaine's duel with Marylcain. I liked how Rayet and Inaho worked together again as a team something this episode focused on which I'll discus in a moment but before that, I'm also digging the intellectual part of Inaho like how he outsmarted that Count as he realized the biggest disadvantage of that Count were his lasers cause they will only travel in straight direction and not curve with Earth's surface unlike those missiles used against him. It also looks like that Princess Lemrina and Slaine are planning something. They both have gone through somewhat same troubles and now that Slaine has power and with Lemrina portraying as the real princess, they are planning something as Lemrina is shown discussing that with Slaine. Though we have no details about it, we pretty much got it's trailer before the ending credits. Now, do you see the irony here? Rayet a martian is working with Inaho and Lemria is working with Slaine who is a Terran.
Moving on, in the second part besides that awesome duel in which Slaine, though had a hard time at the start, still won eventually (something very predictable), there was a big announcement. Princess Lemrina, disguised as Princess Asseylum announced that Slaine will be her husband, whoa. Just think about the possibilities here, Slaine is definitely trying to achieve something going against all odds since he's not martian and now after this marriage, it just puts him in a whole different position as he has all the power he needs. I suppose this was Lemrina's plan but perhaps there's more to it that will be revealed soon. Just when I thought this was enough of a cliff-hanger, they pull out another. Now I don't know whether this was intentional or not from Lemrina's point of view but whatever she did with shutting and turning on that life support system of Princess Asseylum, it somehow worked and the she's awake! The more confusing part is Lemrina's dialogue during this scene as it makes her look like she really tried to kill her instead. All of this was shown after the credits for those who missed it out.
Definitely a massive cliff hanger, I mean what exactly will happen next? The only thing Princess Asseylum will probably remember is that she was shot by Slaine and will probably want to kill him as soon as possible but how will she react when she finds out what Princess Lemrina and Slaine did behind her back? This ending sure points out various directions in which this series might go, I just hope they don't pull something like Princess Asseylum losing all her memory. Also in the previous opening I suppose, Princess Asseylum was shown holding a gun but it wasn't revealed as to who she was pointing it at and I assume that it is foreshadowing to what the princess's decision is going to be towards Slaine. Overall, a good episode with a lot of action and build up not to mention that cliff-hanger. What do you think about Princess Lemrina's move? do you think that she intentionally caused such overhaul in the system which caused Princess Asseylum to wake up or was it unintentional? Let me know in the comments below! Thank you for reading this anime review and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
Akira & Amon
Hello everyone! I was really glad to see Shinohara alive and well as it was revealed that Kaneki was actually eating Shinohara's Arata and not his flesh. We also get to see the back story of Shuzuya as to why he has that psychotic nature and heart bonding scene of Akira and Amon.
Basically Shuzuya was like a scraper who would kill other humans for viewers or ghoul's pleasure pretty much similar to that monster Kaneki had to face in previous season's gourmet arc. While doing so, not only his physical abilities improved but he also lost all his morality and got detached from human society not to mention all the tortures his Big Madame did on him. There were a lot of censors during this scene but for those who didn't get that one particular scene where Big madame uses those piers on him which causes him to scream and his eyes dilates, basically Big Madame crushes his balls. Yep that's screwed up so anyway moving on, Shinohara pretty much took him under his wings as he described him as a victim who had to change under circumstances.
Also Touka is shown preparing for her exams and trying her best to not to think about all the buzz going around about 23rd ward and ghouls. So coming towards my favorite scene, It was revealed that the Owl killed Akira's mother or Mado's wife and ever since then, it was Mado's aim to avenge her death. Akira on the other worked hard to so that she could grow up and help her father but then her father was killed and she pretty much blamed it all on Amon as he was not by his side when he needed him the most. And Amon accepted it which shows the maturity of his character. I really loved this whole heart bonding scene, I mean we all knew that she had some kind of hatred towards him and so it was nice they finally showed what it was. The soundtrack they used in this scene was beautiful. Oh and that grumpy cat who welcomed them, that was really funny.
Besides that we are shown that Kankei is pretty much breaking down like he can't control his half kakuja and all but again, it's really sad they haven't been showing a lot about him lately, they are completely ripping off his inner monologue and stuff and I really hope they show all his flashbacks cause for anime only watchers it's just like a character who can't control his powers but there's a lot more to it which they've been skipping and it's really starting to make us feel disconnected from him. Towards the end of the episode we are shown that CCG are mobilizing and preparing for mission, Owl extermination. So overall, a good episode, it had a lot of character developments like that of Shuzuya and Akira both of which were executed superbly with excellent soundtracks. And that ending credits, beautiful. Thank you for reading this anime review, what do you think about this episode? let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
A well anticipated album of band who are at their peak not just in Japan but also making buzz all over the world with their tours in Europe and America. For anyone who've heard all their previous albums know they have changed or evolved a lot and their previous album was a perfect example of mainstream effect but still, though some reviews were mixed, it was a superb album. This is their 7th album overall so lets dive in and see what do they have in store for us
1. 3xxxv5
An intro pretty much, having piano melodies, something really rare. A really good way to build-up for the next song with all the drums, screaming and sets out a great atmosphere for the rest of the album.
2. Take me the top
Wow, a classic generic rock song pretty much comes under their previous mainstream songs. The bridge is interesting, took me by surprise for sure but they linked it pretty well with the rest of the song. Good song, nothing special, a great way to kick off though. 7/10
3. Cry out
I straight out love this song, it has awesome drum patters, guitar riffs and great lyrical dynamics with catchy vocals pretty much a reminiscent of their older songs. 9/10
4. Suddenly
This song hit me, like it doesn't sound like them at all till the chorus hits! it has some violins here and there and punk-rock type guitar riffs. I honestly loved it, it was refreshing from their usual stuff and a great addition instead of techno related stuff. 8/10
5. Mighty Long Fall
There it is, this song grew on me the more I heard it. Off course like some fans, I was shocked cause this was way different from their usual stuff but still it is a great song. And oh that awesome bridge, I cannot wait to see this song being played live! The bridge is just epic, the dynamics are amazing and then it merges right with the rest of the song and that's not something easy to make. 8/10
6. Heartache
So after two songs completely unique and superb, the next song finally sounds like one of their slow tempo ones. It has a great build up and superb chorus, I love the vocal dynamics Taka used in this song. 8/10
7. Memories
I don't think I've ever heard Taka curse in any song so far, maybe I'm wrong here but that really took me by surprise. Filled with hard-rock guitar riffs and superb bridge, This song has so many emotions and pretty much lyrics to which everyone can relate to at some point. 9/10
8. Decision
Another one my favorite from Mighty long fall single. Superb chorus and verse filled with some violins and their classic guitar riffs. 8/10
9. Paper Planes
I pretty much froze up for the first 40 seconds or so of this song, till the chorus kicked in and somehow came back to my senses. It features Kellin from Sleeping with Sirens and her voice really suits the vocals here. It sure is a little too different than others, still it is a good addition to add more flavor to the album. 5/10
10. Good Goodbye
Another slow tempo type song done superbly with similar vocal dynamics as Heartache. The effect and dynamics the bass guitar brings in chorus of this songs is amazing, a really well arranged song. 7/10
11. One by One
After all the chaos created by Paper Planes, it was great to hear some familiar sounds. A good song filled with many hard-rock guitar riffs and awesome Taka's screams. 7/10
12. Stuck in the middle
A fast paced song, with catchy lyrics, more like their recent mainstream songs. The intro was really good. I like how they were able to make both verses sound different. 8/10
13. Fight the night
A great way to end the album, the song had a really good build up throughout as well. 7/10
Overall all : 7.5/10
A great album overall. Not really their best in my opinion as Niche Syndrome still holds on to that title. The album had many dynamics throughout with songs such as 'Mighty long fall' and 'Suddenly' having different styles, and then there was 'Paper Planes'. My favorites were definitely 'Cry out' and 'Memories'. What do you think about this album? let me know in the comments below! Thank you for reading this Album review and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live. Please support the artist if you like their work!
Direct torrent Link : here
Plot build-up
This episode, it had info dump all over the place like every scene had something to grasp on. But though it created more questions than answering them, it answered the most important question as to whether this series going to be episodic or not. It's definitely not episodic especially after this episode and it clearly tells us that there is a main plot revolving around and building up.
I have a theory-crafting about something which I'll explain at the end of this review but before that lets discuss the main plot revealed in this episode. Our main female character and currently the assistant of Decim, is being judged and we also found the reason as to why she is being judged. She is a human, and when she came to this bar, she already remembered that she was dead and that's really odd cause if she remembers that, then she can't play the game with her life on the line, something that'll get out her real emotions and darkness of the soul. And that's why Decim had to extend his judgement period for her cause he couldn't come to an conclusion. So now Decim has 3 months to figure out how to judge her and while he does so, she'll work as his assistant completely unaware of the fact that she is being judged and that's quite screwed up if you think about it, what if she changes over this 3 months course? Really love the direction in which this series is going.
That doll (not that bartender who came in as disguised) was a artificial human? What the hell? If you've been reading my reviews, I stated a theory about those dolls or mannequins shown in second episode and I was correct but it could be used to create an artificial human? Whoa, that's crazy and give rise to a lot of question like does that mean all humans who are being judged are like this as well? We were also introduced to multiple new characters in this episode, like that crazy bartender Ginti who had a short fight with Decim and that old guy who was shown playing pool with Nona. That old guy, he looks like someone who is very wise but at the same time his eyes gives out a completely different vibe as of some Satan or devil cause his eyes besides looking devious, are completely different from everyone else who have a definitive pattern of a cross but his are completely dark (with cat's eye type of design) so that brings up another question, as this series is having all these elements such as reincarnation and void, do they have demons as well? Besides that we are also introduced to Castra who wore a weird looking mask of a bone or something and was watching over the human death rates around the world. Interesting to note how she her eyes had 'x' type of design.
So coming to that theory crafting part I mentioned before, there are two of them. Firstly, how do you become arbiter? cause it was shown that these arbiters have to take test (In which Decim screwed up) and what happens if a arbiter fails in it, like will he/she lose their job? will they you go to reincarnation or void? and why do they have to be judged if they are not humans? From what it looks like, Nona is judging Decim but what if both Nona and Decim are somehow related? cause she has that elderly vibe towards Decim and if that's true that pretty screwed up if you think about it not to mention she has been around for over 80 years as a manager and Decim has only been arbiter for 5 years. Now secondly, that picture book Decim's assistant keeps having dream of, its still unclear as to what it really signifies as Nona is shown reading the same picture book, but what if that girl and Decim used to love each others back when they were humans or something? Overall a great episode with a lot of info dump, really interested to see how this plot develops and what plot twist we'll get. Thank you for reading this anime review, what do you think about this episode or about the theory-crafting I mentioned? let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
A New Arc
Hello everyone! In this week's episode, we are introduced to many new characters along with a new story arc but before I dive into that, I want to discuss something that Izaya said at the very start of the episode. That Izaya's dialogue, really mind boggling and philosophical. He basically asks can the human soul be bought? And then he goes on giving us various examples about how some might put their pride above selling their soul for 10 billion yen and then there are some who would kill someone to sell their soul for 1 yen but his main question was, can you really buy everybody's soul? This whole prospective of his is really interesting and which leads as to what this scene or dialogue's gonna mean in the future. Now though I'm not sure about this but I have a really interesting theory-crafting about this which I'll get to shorty but lets discuss what else we got to see in this episode.
So this episode is the beginning of a new arc and we are introduced to two main plots. Firstly, that little girl who is chasing after Shizuo in her quest to kill him for reasons unknown. And apparently, those Mafia guys have asked Celty to find her but then all of sudden, a new character is introduced to us, a woman riding on a bike going after Celty, using some sort of strings to take Celty's helmet off and causing her to to crash. Secondly, the leader of that gang who were after Celty shown in the previous episodes is going after Dollars. Speaking of this new character his name is Rocchi I suppose, a ladies-man. He follows this motto of how a man should never raise a hand against woman, something I completely agree with but damn, the way he broke that guy's leg, that was little too much I guess lol. But this guy might be somewhat of Shizuo type I mean, he stood up after Shizuo punched him 4 times that's incredible considering people go flying away after just one punch of his!
Coming back to that theory-crafting I mentioned before, considering how Izaya said about buying human souls and stuff and the way that little innocent girl who was introduced to us, maybe it has to do something with Izaya like he bought her soul or something considering how innocent she is and he is manipulating her. But that girl seems to be somehow related to that mafia family and if you connect all the dots, only chaos awaits Ikebukuro again, something that Izaya loves. So overall, a great episode with comedy and stuff. Perhaps the pacing might feel faster compared to the previous season as they are trying to fit multiple arcs in 12 episodes but they are doing it well so far. Besides that a good setup episode as well, I really wonder what role is that Izaya's dialogue gonna play in the future, what do you think? let me know in the comments below! Thank you for reading this anime review and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
A Count that agreed (to some extend) with Inaho? Perhaps its a first step towards a bigger picture, that is to establish a bridge between Terrans and Martians. Besides that we got a lot of development on Inaho and Rayet's characters in this episode as they both work together and help Mazuurek escape so that he can carry on Inaho's message to let everyone know that the current princess is an impostor and so on. But it is the trouble in paradise among the Martians Count which is the highlight of this episode. Before that, lets discuss some other things stuff shown in this episode.
It has been shown many times before but in this episode, Yuki's message reached out to Inaho loud and clear. As his sister, she never wanted him to get involved in all this war and stuff but, whether he wanted it or not, he got involved and to such an extent that he can't back out now, something that Yuki knows but considering in how dangerous situations Inaho gets himself involved, she doesn't wanna bear the pain of losing him again. In the end, Inaho shrugs off all the concern and tells her that he can't just stay around doing nothing and has to save her cause she was shot right in front of him while trying to save him. The way this scene was portrayed, its clearly a deathflag. It's likely for Inaho but who knows, perhaps that deathflag might be for Yuki as well cause in previous episodes, it's shown how Inaho is somehow getting less and less in contact with her lately as he didn't properly met her after coming back to Earth and so on, again I could be wrong. Besides that, we also get to see a short reunion of Marito and Magbaredge.
The irony in that whole "caged bird" dialogue, damn. It can go in both ways, to Princess Asseylum, who no one knows is in coma state cause Slaine wants to keep her to himself as he mentions "some birds are caged cause they are beautiful" clearly referring to her kind hearth and perhaps the possibility of someone else exploiting her for powers. And secondly, to Princess Lemrina who no one knows is portraying as impostor princess and is pretty much being exploited for her powers by Slaine. She can't even move freely on their base as it might reveal her identity. We also get to see the outburst of Rayet's emotions as she tells Inaho that she hates all martians as they betrayed and killed her father and also herself for trying to kill Princess back then. Though it was hard to convince Mazuurek, somehow Inaho did it and won his trust as he helped him when Inaho and Ryet caught him running away to escape safely in a hope that he'll let others know of Slaine's devious act and find out where the real princess is. And only Yuki knows all of this as she refrains from telling other know she spotted Inaho and Rayet with Mazuurek.
Mazuurek is probably the only Count at the moment who had/has the same objective as the princess and not just attack Earth. Coming towards end, we get a very interesting challenge laid out by Marylcian as he challenges Slain for a battle in order to determine who'll take over the vacant role of Mazuurek's position as they consider him dead having lost his contact. Interesting to note how others Counts are starting to suspect Slaine as not only did Saazbaum died oddly soon after he adopted Slaine as his son but also the fact that the Asseylum is always with him coming to an conclusion that he is using her. If this battle does takes place, it'll be interesting, as we know nothing about Marylcian's mech. Hopefully we'll also get the answer as to what's Slaine's objective is as Inaho asked Mazuurek to find it out. Overall a good episode, music was really good throughout. A lot of build up and character developments as well. Thank you for reading this anime review, what do you think could be Slaine's main objective? let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section.
In this episode we get to see a whole different side of Koro-sensei. This was probably the first time we got to see him blush and show such similar emotions. We were also introduced to a new character, Irina Jelavic who will be their new temporary foreign-language teacher. Honestly, I fell for it, I mean the way she was introduced to no one could have thought she was pro-assassin who have assassinated notorious targets from all over the world not to mention her command over many foreign languages which makes her easier to interact with almost any foreigner. Though mentioned at the end of the episode that Koro-sensei saw all of that coming, she pretty much tried to seduce Koro-sensei so that she could catch him off guard and her faithful shooters carrying heavy machinery guns could finish him off. But her ignorance led her to her miserable and funny failure.
She is shown like someone who has a lot of pride having successfully completed dangerous assassination by seducing her targets, but that same pride led to her downfall. She just completely screwed up the assassination, not that it was a horrible plan, the execution was bad cause her overconfidence and underestimating of Koro-sensei prove to be main reason for her failure. She used real bullets instead of those provided specifically for Koro-sensei as she thought those latter ones may not be as effective as the real ones. Also interesting to note how all students instantly hated her after she revealed her true personality cause of how things were going, Koro-sensei was all in line to fall into her trap. The students named her "bitch-sensei" or "bitch professor" which was really funny. When she was trying her best and seducing Koro-sensei, I thought he might have turned her down or something considering he is shown to have someone he loved in the very first episode so yea, little shocked to see this side of Koro-sensei but again, he knew her plan all along and he perhaps acted all the way so that he could manipulate her to a point where she would reveal her true identity which she did. We also get to know that Koro-sensei has a really strong nose, like he could tell from the odor of the room they were present in that something was fishy which shows that he has very good awareness of his surrounding.
Besides that we are also show how much Koro-sensei cares about his students as he makes different test paper for different students taking into consideration the subjects they are weak in so that he can improve them. In the end, Irina apologizes to the students for calling them losers and stuff and they pretty much get along. Overall, a really good episode. I'm really happy to see this series back after a short hiatus, the comedy was damn good. I really like the personality and character of Irina but she has to become more flexible in her approach if she wants to really assassinate Koro-sensei. Thank you for reading this anime review, have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section. Thoughts? let me know in the comments below.
the One-eyed owl?
Wow, speechless. This episode was probably the best episode of this season so far in my opinion like straight out 10/10 and no, this is not fanboying all over the place, this is serious. One-eyed owl? Holy shit, like anime only viewers might wonder what I mean but for those who have read the manga know that this is way to early for that ghoul to show up! Before I get into that, lets discuss some other stuff we got to see in this incredible episode. We were shown a glimpse of Nashiro, Kurono and Suzuya's past during their ghoul-academy days. If there is one thing that has not changed in all these years is Suzuya's psychotic nature in fact this episode just helped to showcase it even more. His ideology about how he didn't care when one of their friends died back then was shocking. There's also a really sad and sentimental scene in which both the twins hold hands as Suzuya beats the crap out of them only to get sliced by him I suppose, I don't know, they blurred a lot of stuff during their whole fight. As those Twins escape and stop to catch a breather, Amon with struggling Akira catches them resting. Amon vividly remembers who these twins are and is shocked to see them turn into ghouls.
Besides that we are also shown another really sad and tragic flashback during Shinohara and Ayato's fight in which Shinohara is shown having the upper hand, as Ayato runs out of energy, he just lays his fist on Shinohara's armor, the Arata which as we know is made from Ayato and Touka's Father. He remembers his dad telling a story to him and Touka back when they were kids, the symbolism in that story and the relation he had with his father is really striking as he never got as close as he had wished for with his father. Interesting to note how Shinohara mentions that his Arata was acting sluggish, pointing out that even though Ayato's father is dead but some of his memories are still passed on. After Ayato pretty much passes out, Centipede-chan comes out of nowhere, I've got to say, that entry was bad-ass. He's fast like way faster than even Shachi, speaking of Shachi, where is he? Anyway coming back to the point, Centipede-chan! Shinohara mentions that this form of ghoul is likely a half Kakuja and is the craziest ghoul he has ever seen.
Shortly after their encounter in which Kaneki pretty much hurts Shinohara to an extend where he is unable to fight, CRC gas is released that suppresses the regeneration of Kagune or RC cells, and then things get ugly, off course in a good way. Amon, with Akira comes to the scene and watches "eye-patch" eating Shinohara's Arata. Fumed with anger like never seen before, Amon rushes all out on Kaneki and slices Kaneki's Kagune one by one as they fail to regenerate due to the gas present all over the place. Amon asks him that why he didn't kill him back then and says that the fact that he was eating just proves he is just like other ghouls. This is when Kaneki comes back to his senses. I really think that both Amon and Kankei are the only two characters who want to establish a coexistence between both Ghouls and humans, I mean Amon could have easily killed off Kaneki but instead he kept asking him questions thus proving they share similar goals.
Right towards the end, the One-eyed owl appears out of nowhere with the big claws of his and rescues both Ayato and Kaneki. Akira realized who the ghoul was pretty quickly, there's more to it which I suppose will be revealed in the future. Honestly, I was blown away when I saw one-eyed owl cause I didn't expect that to happen in this episode. One thing I've noticed in this season so far is that not a lot of focus is given on Kaneki's development, like he hardly has any screen time except for this episode and cause of this, it kinda feels like we are getting disconnected from him or is it done deliberately? I mean, anime only watcher might be wondering what this "centipede mode" is all about and would probably come to the conclusion that its a super form of a ghoul or something but trust me there's a lot more than what meets the eye and I hope they reveal all of it soon. Overall, a superb episode, Almost all build-up leading up this episode was executed superbly. The tone and atmosphere that the music created was superb, the tragic slow type music really suits this series. animation for the fight scenes was top notch as well. Thank you for reading this anime review, have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section. Thoughts? let me know in the comments below.
Aoba & izaya
Holy shit, like straight out after watching the ending of this episode I can confidently say this season is going to be twice as much better than the previous one! But before I dive into this brilliant episode, I would like to give a shout out to a friend of mine I met few weeks back and a fellow anime reviewer Danial Kurosaki! You can visit his awesome blog here.
The majority of this episode had that whole chase scene which was really entertaining. Basically while being chased for bounty, Celty had a bag containing Egor which was given to her by the manager of that Russian sushi disguised heavily under the instructions of those twins as they wanted to get up close look at Celty and she had to hold on to that bag for a day and then dispose it off for which she was being paid rather similar amount which she had lost and all of this was revealed at the end, classic Durarara style. At the start we all thought that bag may have a corpse or something but then Egor just comes out of the bag to help Celty under the influence of Saika, that whole scene I was like holy shit, good stuff! So in the end, Celty gets her lost money back with the help of those twins indirectly. Later all characters celebrate together and have hot-pot and stuff. That kawai romance scene between Shinra and Celty, straight out beautiful, really dig the romance of this series.

Moving on, a massive set-up right at the end of this episode. Izaya is like a joker, he loves to see the world around him burn up and enjoys human emotions from it. Surprisingly he has been too quite lately possibly plotting something and he finally speaks up. That scene were he says that soon he'll announce to the world that the vacation is over and things are gonna get ugly, I was like damn, the next arc is gonna be epic, not just cause of Izaya but because there's another joker in town, Aoba. I didn't see that coming. Aoba was introduced to us along with those twins and by the end of this episode, he's definitely like Izaya 2.0. He also declared that he wants to take out Izaya first, he definitely has some balls. It's gonna be all out war between these two characters and something that'll be worth watching and though I think that maybe Izaya will likely win but who knows? Aoba might surprise us. Also interesting to note that Aoba is the younger brother of the founder of Blue square, a gang which use clash with Yellow scarf in the past.
Coming towards the end of this review, Saika is starting to act on it's own? It "stabbed" Egor without Anri's permission or rather very discreetly. I'm sure that's gonna cause problems in the future as she might start to stay away from others such as Mikado to avoid them getting stabbed and controlled by Saika. We also get to see some Shizuo beating the shit out of some gang members scene. Another interesting note that Izaya's assistant, Namie, is starting to produce some "sparks" by herself. Overall, a brilliant episode, a lot of set up for the upcoming arc something I look forward to. Thank you for reading this anime review, have a wonderful day or night wherever you live! Links to this episode are available in download section. Thoughts? let me know in the comments below.